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SAML Properties

Users of Onegini Customer Service can authenticate via a SAML Identity Provider instead of basic authentication. The application must be started with the Spring profile saml to replace basic authentication with SAML. This can be done via the environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=saml.

SAML properties

The following properties must be configured:

Property Default Example Description
SAML_SP_ENABLED false true Enables SAML capabilities
SAML_SP_SP_ENTITY_ID com:onegini:idp:uma Unique entity Id for this application as SAML SP
SAML_SP_SP_ENTITY_BASE_URL http://localhost:7522 Public Base URL for this application as SAML SP
SAML_SP_MAX_AUTHENTICATION_AGE_IN_SECONDS 7200 Maximum time between user's authentication and processing of the AuthNResponse message
SAML_SP_CLOCK_SKEW_IN_SECONDS 60 Maximum allowed time difference between the server of the SAML SP and the SAML IdP

Strictly one of these properties needs to be set:

Property Default Example Description
SAML_SP_IDP_METADATA_FILE /tmp/metadata.txt Location on the file system for the metadata of the SAML IdP
SAML_SP_IDP_METADATA_BASE64 Base64 encoded text with metadata for the SAML IdP

Onegini Customer Service can auto generate a SAML certificate or use predefined one. The following environment variables are required to configure a certificate.

Property Default Example Description
SAML_SP_SIGNING_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD password Key store password

Authority mapping

Onegini Customer Service can restrict access to users based on the values of an attribute in the SAML authentication response. The name of this attribute and the mapping between the values and the functionality in Onegini Customer Service is configurable.

Property Default Example Description
SAML_SP_FULL_ACCESS_GRANTED false true or false If true, all authenticated users have full access to Onegini Customer Service. The properties below will be ignored then.
SAML_SP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME urn:oid: SAML attribute that contains roles for authorization. It matches on the Name attribute and ignores NameFormat and Friendly-Name.
SAML_SP_AUTHORITIES_USERS_ALL * customer_service Value of the role that gives access to managing users.
SAML_SP_AUTHORITIES_AGENTS_READ * employees_supervisor Value of the role that gives access to supervise agents.
SAML_SP_AUTHORITIES_STATISTICS_READ * system_admin Value of the role that gives access to see application statistics.
SAML_SP_AUTHORITIES_anythingElse * other_group Value of roles that gives access using RBAC

* this is a multivalue property. Separate values with a comma.

