Handle push message

When your application receives a push message (which was sent by the Token Server) it can be handled by the Onegini Cordova Plugin.


This function handles received push message

  • Requires a pushData in form of a JSON object
  • Push can be handled by the Onegini Cordova Plugin if the supplied JSON object contains the og_transaction_id and og_profile_id entry in the root or content key. Here are examples of accepted JSON object.

Example 1:

  "og_transaction_id" : "223423",
  "og_profile_id" : "ZX123C"

Example 2:

  // ...
  "content" : {
    // ...
    "og_transaction_id" : "223423",
    "og_profile_id" : "ZX123C"
    // ...  
  // ...

Example usage:

    .catch((err) => navigator.notification.alert('Push message error: ' + err.description));

The error callback contains an object with the following properties:

Property Example Description
code 8000 The error code
description "Onegini: Internal plugin error" Human readable error description