Deregister user

Deregistering a user

Deregistering a user implies the removal of all of their data (including access and refresh tokens) from the device. It also includes a request to the Token Server to revoke all tokens associated with the user. The client credentials will remain stored on the device.

The Onegini Cordova plugin exposes the onegini.user.deregister function to properly deregister a user, as described above. It takes the user's profileId as argument.

Example code to deregister a user:

onegini.user.deregister({ profileId: "profileIdOfUser" })
    .then(() => {
      alert("User deregistered!");
    .catch((err) => {
      alert("Deregister error!\n\n" + err.description);

Note that any existing user can be deregistered. They do not necessarily have to be logged in.