App developer quickstart

Get your app with secured data from a backend service running in just 4 steps

Step 1: Access to the Onegini SDK

To gain access to the Onegini SDK you need to signup using the following form. We can provide you with a free trial if you want to give our software a try.

Step 2: Configured Token Server API

The server component (Token Server) is required for the Onegini SDK to work and to provide enterprise level security. You can use our hosted demo api for this. It's running on

Please note that the url above will show you a 404 not found error in a browser. If you'd like to see how Onegini SDK interacts with this API, take a look at the test client:

Step 3: Use a sample Resource Gateway

Mobile users should have secure access to company data through backend services. For example a bank customer should see their balance or transfer money. To see this in action we provide a backend service which is configured to use our Token Server.

Also this step has been done for you. On we've set up a service for you to play with. It provides a list of devices that a user registered.

By the way: the resource gateway we've setup is open source. You can find the source code of the example on

Step 4: Example apps for all platforms

iOS Example app

We’ve created an iOS example app for you in 

Android Example app

Get the Android example app

Cordova example app

Apache Cordova promises to build apps using just HTML, CSS & JS. If this is your skillset, you may consider our Cordova example. 
It uses the same SDK under the hood through the additional Cordova plugin.