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OpenID Connect scopes and claims

In order to issue an ID Token, the authorization request must contain at least the openid scope. It is possible to control which user claims are included in the ID token by specifying additional scopes.

The table below summarizes the scopes relevant for OpenID Connect.

scope Description
openid Activates the OpenID functionality and allows to issue ID Token as a part of OAuth 2.0 authorization request.
profile Requests access to the following claims: name, family_name, given_name, nickname, preferred_username, gender, birthdate, locale.
email Requests access to the following claims: email and email_verified.
address Requests access to address claim that is composed of the following fields: street_address, locality, region, postal_code, country
phone Requests access to the following claims: phone_number and phone_number_verified

The claims are obtained from the Identity Provider via Person API and mapped as listed below:

claim Person API source
name profile > name > first + last
given_name profile > name > first
family_name profile > name > last
nickname profile > name > display_name
preferred_username profile > name > display_name
gender profile > gender
birthdate profile > date_of_birth
locale profile > preferred_locale
email profile > email_addresses > value
email_verified profile > email_addresses > verified
phone profile > phone_numbers > value
phone_number_verified profile > phone_numbers > verified
address > street_address profile > address > street_name + house_number + house_number_addition
address > locality profile > address > city
address > region profile > address > region
address > postal_code profile > address > postal_code
address > country profile > address > country_name

Optional claims


Note: This feature requires the usage of the Onegini CIM as identity provider.

Via ACR (Authentication Context Class Reference) you request that a specific authentication context must be met upon successful authentication.

The table below summarizes currently supported values. The available values are also exposed via the Discovery API.

ACR value Description Requires an authentication level of at least 1 from Onegini CIM. Requires an authentication level of at least 2 from Onegini CIM. Requires an authentication level of at least 3 from Onegini CIM. Requires an authentication level of at least 4 from Onegini CIM.

To request a specific ACR value include acr_values parameter when requesting ID Token, e.g.:

Currently, only a single ACR value can be specified at a time. Sending multiple values will result in a Bad Request error. The Onegini Token Server may return an ACR with a value that is higher than the authentication level that was requested.

Further reading:

Custom attributes

Note: This feature requires the Onegini CIM

The Onegini CIM supports custom attributes for a user. These attributes are included as claims within ID Token.