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Upgrade instructions 13.x


Thymeleaf Upgrade

Thymeleaf has been upgraded to 3.1.2.RELEASE, introducing changes that may impact existing templates. The following table lists key modifications that might affect them:

Feature Change Details
th:substituteby Removed Use th:replace
#request, #response, #session, #servletContext Removed Not available in expressions
Core Class Restrictions Tightened Limited in expressions
th:include Deprecated Use th:insert
template :: fragment Deprecated Use ~{template::fragment}

For detailed changes, visit Thymeleaf 3.1 What's New.

Changes in the database schema

Run the following database scripts if your installation does not automatically update the database schema:

  • V12_20_08_00___OAUTH-3734_migrate_legacy_fcm_apis_to_httpv1.sql
  • V12_20_08_01__OAUTH-3733_increase_max_size_of_property_value.sql